Saturday, 28 January 2012

Ice Skating

On the way to football training

Ahton's struggling to wake up

Monday, 23 January 2012

He is a cracking looking boy!

Thank you for the photos,they are great.
I agree big is best and your results are fantastic.
I adore the pictures of Ashton he is a cracking looking boy.

Hope kas was ok today ,she was really on form .
I had such a laugh (but to much food and alcohol )

Weigh in on tuesday i will have to starve until then to make up for weekend.

Thanks again Barbx


THE KEY TO GET RICH SLOW (as there is no such thing as get rich quick)
  • Live below our means, and save and invest regularly
  • Seek solid companies to invest in – those led by trusted and proven management, operating in industries we understand, and tapping into revenue streams we believe will continue to grow
  • Invest for the long term – I’m talking years
  • Recognise that there will always be scary headlines in the news, and that rarely will these headlines affect the underlying and long-term prospects of our investment theses
  • Pursue intellectual curiosity and growth

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Kala's Birthday and Engagement Party

Hey David,
hope you had a good night sat night! I was so surprised! It was brilliant thanku all for coming

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Tuesday, 10 January 2012