Friday, 28 November 2014


Ashton you have done so well this year and come on so much in all that you do! At school you got many certificates and awards for effort and projects, your reading is so good where you practice/read with mum most evenings. In sport you have done parkruns (there is not many kids your age that have run 5km) entered running events and got medals, your football, swimming, golf and tennis is going great where you go to lessons after school plus weekends and work hard to get better, mum and I love coming to watch - well done xxx

You were presented the Head Teacher Award

Wake Up!

You fell asleep on Nanny's carpet

Nanny's Birthday Meal Out

Uncle Chris made this

How come you get the front seat and I get the back seat on the drive home?

My 100th Parkrun

And it was 250th