Monday, 3 March 2014

Ashton's feedback from Perform Frimley

Ashton did a great job on Friday. He participated well from the start getting involved in the warm up and then showed some great use of imagination in our first game where we had to make statues of kitchen appliances and explain why we shouldn't be thrown away. I noticed Ashton was hesitant to work with other children in our dance; but after he discovered some of the fun moves that we did with the partner work , he started to relax and I believe he enjoyed the challenge of mastering our tricky combinations! 

He showed courage by reading our weekly sticker to the group and did a great job of sounding out the words he couldn't pronounce right away which was brilliant! Learning to project our voice is a huge skill that we work on consistently with the children to ensure that they recognize one needs to use a clear and loud voice in order to be understood. Ashton didn't using a big loud voice when reading but I suspect this was because he was in an unfamiliar environment and probably felt a bit shy. 

Ashton did raise his hand and answered some questions throughout class which is impressive for a first session and it shows promise. I felt that he was actively participating and showed a conscious effort to get involved, especially in our PF moment where the children go on a weekly adventure that is always packed full of action. He trusted us to lead him in the group across the room with his eyes closed only listening to our voice and he worked diligently with the others when we were crossing the evil cowboy camp- making sure that he froze like a cactus when the cowboy woke up!

Ashton is a bright little boy who has lots to offer; he is creative, attentive, shows willing and I commend his positive attitude to being thrown into an unfamiliar environment. I do hope Ashton enjoyed our class and would like to come back; I would be very pleased to have him come and create with us.